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Arti Sebuah Bunga

Written By Unknown on 28 Februari 2012 | 09.52

Memberikan bunga kepada seseorang yang disayangi pada hari kasih sayang atau hari Valentine menjadi tradisi unik turun-temurun. Tak heran jika pada tanggal 14 Februari merupakan saat-saat panen bagi para penjual bunga.

Tak hanya toko bunga konvensional yang diserbu pembeli. Toko bunga yang memajang gerainya di internet pun turut kebanjiran order. Misalkan saja pengalaman Agung Budi Priambodo yang menggawangi tokobungaonline.net.

Awalnya, Budi yang diserahi toko Bunga Hati Florist di sentra bunga terbesar se-Asia, Rawa Belong, merasa penjualannya tidak terlalu bagus jika hanya mengandalkan penjualan offline. Lantas, pemuda yang pernah mengenyam pendidikan IT tersebut meluncurkan situs tokobungaonline.net sejak empat tahun lalu.

Tak disangka, kini 90 persen  penjualan Bunga Hati Florist berasal dari pesanan secara online. Sampai detik ini, tokobungaonline.net sudah punya sekitar 400 pelanggan tetap dari berbagai perusahaan.

Menurut Budi, pesanan bunga, terutama mawar, membengkak menjelang hari Valentine. Uniknya, "Berapa pun harga yang kami pasang, mawar selalu ludes," ujarnya. Tak heran jika menjelang hari Valentine, Budi menaikkan banderol harga bunga mawarnya sebanyak dua sampai tiga kali lipat.

Misalnya saja, paket buket 10 tangkai mawar jenis semi Holland dijualnya seharga Rp 300.000 per paket. Padahal, pada hari biasa harga paket tersebut hanya Rp 150.000 saja. Dari harga biasa tersebut, margin yang diraup Budi sudah mencapai 30 persen.

Untuk menarik pelanggan, dengan cerdik Budi membundel paket tersebut dengan bonus menarik, seperti cokelat Cadbury, mug, boneka, dan kartu ucapan. Selain itu, pelanggan yang memesan di bawah tanggal 10 Februari bakal dapat potongan langsung Rp 50.000 dan gratis biaya antar.

Dengan cara tersebut, tahun lalu Budi sukses menghantarkan 70 paket bunga mawar segar ke alamat pelanggannya tepat pada tanggal 14 Februari. Omset Budi kala itu mencapai Rp 60 juta dalam sehari. Tahun ini, Budi menargetkan paket bunganya laku sampai 150 buket.

Sama ceritanya dengan pemilik istanabunga.com, Susan Ellen. wanita 31 tahun ini sukses menjual bunga lewat internet sejak tiga tahun lalu. Menurutnya, menjelang hari Valentine, pihaknya menaikkan harga paket bunga mawarnya sampai tiga kali lipat.

"Itu karena harga jual bunga mawar per ikat juga ikut naik," ujarnya. Biasanya, satu ikat mawar Holland atau semi Holland yang belum dirangkai, isi 20 batang, dijual pemasok dengan harga Rp 30.000. Namun, menjelang Valentine, harga satu ikat mawar bisa Rp 90.000.

Walaupun begitu, Ellen tetap menangguk keuntungan lumayan besar. Tahun 2007, Ellen mendapat omset sampai Rp 50 juta. Padahal pada hari biasa, omset Ellen turun sepertiganya. "Tahun lalu gerai saya kebanjiran ratusan buket dari segmen perusahaan," ujarnya senang.

Tahun ini, Ellen bakal menjual aneka mawar mulai dari satu tangkai sampai 10 tangkai. Ellen menjualnya mulai dari mawar kuncup sampai mawar yang sudah mekar. "Itu saya lakukan agar segmen anak remaja juga bisa membeli hadiah kasih sayang dengan harga terjangkau," pungkasnya
09.52 | 0 komentar | Read More

Jangan Takut untuk Menikah

Kalau perencanaan pernikahan saja sudah bikin kita pusing tujuh keliling, lalu kemudian kita nikah, alhamdulillah, kita akan berantem terus dengan pasangan," ucap Dr Rose Mini, AP. MPsi di acara MKE Five Star Wedding Exhibition East Meets West Part 2, yang dilangsungkan beberapa waktu lalu di Hotel Ritz-Carlton, Pacific Place, Jakarta. Ungkapan dari Mbak Romy, begitu ia akrab disapa, ini terlontar ketika ia membawakan talkshow bertajuk "Persiapan Mental dan Psikologis Menjelang Pernikahan". Dalam acara tersebut, Mbak Romy mengungkapkan 3 poin yang harus dipersiapkan oleh pasangan yang bermaksud untuk mengucap ikrar untuk hidup bersama.

Satu hal yang ditekankan oleh Mbak Romy di awal talkshow, yakni ketika dua insan bermaksud memasuki gerbang pernikahan, mereka harus tahu dan paham bahwa manusia itu berubah. Menurutnya, pernikahan itu ibarat sebuah paket. Dalam paket tersebut, terdapat dua manusia. Kedua manusia ini bisa berubah karenanya di dalam pernikahan akan selalu ada hal baru yang harus dikejar. Oleh karena itu, sebelum memasuki jenjang pernikahan, masing-masing pasangan harus mengetahui pola perubahan masing-masing,

"Kalau yang satu berubahnya cepat, sementara yang satu mandek, bisa akan ada masalah. Namun, ketika keduanya sudah saling sadar, harus mau saling bantu. Yang berubahnya cepat itu harus mengajak pasangannya untuk belajar dan mencoba mengerti. Jangan lupa untuk mengikuti perkembangan masing-masing," terang Mbak Romy. Hal ini menjadi penting karena ketika terjadi jeda dan masing-masing berkembang dengan keadaan yang berbeda, tak heran akan ada perbedaan persepsi dan pola pikir. Misal, si suami bekerja di dunia yang membuatnya harus bertemu banyak orang, ia akan berkembang dan pola pikirnya pun sedikit-sedikit berubah. Sementara jika si istri tidak mau berusaha untuk keep up dengan perkembangan suami, maka akan sulit untuk bisa mengimbangi, apalagi jika si suami pun tidak mengajak si istri untuk belajar.

Selain mengenai perubahan, Mbak Romy juga mengatakan bahwa pasangan yang ingin naik ke pelaminan harus menyadari bahwa setelah hari pernikahan, maka gaya hidup pun berubah. Yang tadinya terbiasa sendiri, kini segalanya harus dibagi dengan orang lain. Mau saling berbagi adalah satu poin tersendiri. Kebiasaan yang tiba-tiba berubah biasanya bisa menjadi batu sandungan untuk sebagian orang. Mbak Romy mengatakan bahwa keharusan untuk berbagi ini sering kali menjadi penyebab perpecahan rumah tangga.

Ketika ditanya mengapa saat ini banyak terjadi perpecahan dalam pernikahan, Mbak Romy mempertanyakan kembali, "Menurut Anda, mengapa di zaman dulu pernikahan sangat jarang terjadi? Karena di zaman dulu orang tidak ada yang berpikir mengenai perceraian. Yang ada, bagaimana supaya pernikahannya bisa terus berjalan dan memperbaikinya." Ketika kita berbentrokan dengan masalah keluarga, yang terpenting adalah menurunkan ego masing-masing. Kalau belum bisa ditemukan jalan tengahnya, carilah penengah yang bisa memberikan opini obyektif. Begitu pula ketika terjadi pertengkaran saat perencanaan pernikahan, terjadi beda pendapat. Karenanya, penggunaan jasa perencana pernikahan bisa membantu menengahi.

Mengenai persiapan mental dan psikologis menjelang pernikahan, Mbak Romy meramu 3 poin penting yang perlu diketahui pasangan sebelum menginjakkan kaki ke pelaminan dan menukar cincin tanda janji, yakni:
1. Jangan takut akan pernikahan. Sebaiknya sebelum melangkah ke pernikahan, kenali sisi baik dan buruk masing-masing. Karena setelah memasuki pernikahan, akan makin terlihat sifat-sifat yang tadinya tertutup. Jujur akan segala hal dengan pasangan jika ingin pernikahan berhasil.

2. Siapkan diri. Tanya dengan diri sendiri, sudah siapkah untuk berbagi segala hal dengan si pasangan? Siapkah untuk maju bersama? Sebab, untuk bisa maju bersama butuh upaya dan kerja keras, karena si pasangan tidak memiliki pola pikir yang sama dengan kita, perlu kesabaran dan tenaga ekstra untuk mau menyamakan visi.

3. Jangan takut perubahan. Perilaku seseorang bisa diubah. Perilaku bukanlah gen yang tak bisa diubah. Jadi, ketika Anda harus berubah untuk bisa keep up dengan pasangan yang berubah, begitu juga si dia.

Tak ketinggalan pula untuk bisa menjaga ucapan karena apa yang terucap adalah doa. Ketika kita berpikir atau terucap kata pisah, maka yang ada dalam pikiran kita adalah hal itu sebagai titik akhir. Bagaimana menurut Anda, setuju dengan pendapat ini?
09.50 | 0 komentar | Read More

you know the past couple

Written By Unknown on 24 Juli 2011 | 18.19

Although he's affair with a former boyfriend has ended, it would not hurt if you find out the 'story'. This could be your reference in a relationship with him.

Surely not to stir up old wounds, but more on that you and he does not repeat the same mistakes. To that end, know the track record of amorous men that was launched from the following Yourtango.

1. Devotees monogamy
Men of this type are eager to be loved sincerely. No fear of commitment. But be careful, if he's too hasty take seriously, it could be because only the fear of being alone. Not because he is sure to make you become his friend.

2. Ever cheated on
Although he had an affair, not necessarily he will do it again on you. Precisely when he told of the affair he had done, he could be very sorry.

Find out just the main reason why he was having an affair. Discussion of this can actually make you more familiar with his personality.

3. Victims of infidelity
Men who had been a victim of infidelity tends to be hard to believe with their partner. He also will be a little trauma in relationships. It took a rather long process, so that he can trust you.

4. Playboy
Man playboy is very tempting and hard to resist. If you already know how he simply changing partners, and still want to be her lover, a 'must' accept the risk. Even if the end bitter, at least you had fun with it.
18.19 | 0 komentar | Read More

When Frustration Find partner

The experience of a broken heart can make a person more carefully choose life companion. I was so afraid to repeat the bitter experience, some people grow up to be a 'voter'. Prefer to spend time alone than couples who did not complete in his eyes.

If you fall like that, maybe it's good to dream. Dreams are part of what we expect to happen in life. Dreams are very important to motivate yourself in all aspects of life, including romance.

You may often confide in your blog or diary while quoting the beautiful words or quote celebrities, representing scenes in your life. Then, making a beautiful collage. Sometimes the way it works well to motivate you.

However, your intent is to develop a clear purpose in your life. Intention is to support you expend energy to achieve your dreams. Therefore, you should fully understand what the purpose of your life.

There are several steps that you can set a clear goal of what you want in life has to offer Zavaro Lynn, author of the book The Game of You, as reported from Shine.

1. Allow yourself to dream about what you really want. Then, visualize in your mind's eye. Focus on yourself with your eyes closed 5 to 10 minutes, then felt a deep peace of the shadow relationship of your dreams.

2. Write down what you want today. As if it happened, or is already happening. This is the strongest way to determine what movement will you take to realize your wishes.

3. In the first line of a piece of paper write the word 'I', then complete the writing type of person you want with you at this time in detail. Be active and clear with your description.

Example: I enjoyed a love affair with a man who is kind, gentle, and loving. Or, I love spending time with a guy who likes to have fun, and also likes to cook
together at home.

4. Continue the sentence until you feel everything you want in a relationship you have written. Do your best on the core issues. Let it flow but not too
choose. Remember that you want to find a true partner, not a conceptual idea that may not exist.

5. Affirm the positive. Make sure every sentence you uttered a positive tone. Hold yourself to use negative descriptions like the word 'no'. As we explain in the negative, unconsciously we have allowed negative thoughts permeate the soul, and this will berdampk at the time you make a decision.

Example: "I do not want to fight with people I love." You can replace it with the phrase, "I communicate with my loved ones with maturity, openness, and pleasure."

6. Know what you can not tolerate. Use past experience to explain what you do not want to face in subsequent relationships.

For example, if you do not want to have a relationship with a man away from you or the guy who already have children, enter the scene to something that you can not tolerate. Always
using a positive point of view as someone who was in the same area, or someone who is still single.

7. Realize your worth. Know what the value of life's most important to you? Make sure they are included in your list, and set it as a value must also be trusted man
your dream. A successful relationship must be in agreement or at least respect the value of each.

8. Check your list. Recheck your writing to see if you forget something important to you. Make sure the paper is a picture of a bigger dream than the trapped
in details that are too obvious.

For example, if you make posts like, "He must be income more than Rp 1 billion per year," should use the phrase, "He can make my life and family in good circumstances."

9. Read your writing every day with a loud voice for a week to incorporate them into your subconscious. Place the text in an easily visible place so you
easy to remember what is in it.

10. Always open to welcome your new relationship to get surprises and not exactly the same as what you write. However, if you meet someone not in accordance with
values ​​that you want, do not dare to compromise.
18.17 | 0 komentar | Read More

Main Causes bored cheating

After being married for a long time, the relationship began to sour marriage partner is often unconscious. Not infrequently, many who then seek refuge with the affair.

The survey by the Pew Research Center found that 40 percent of respondents in the United States declared the marriage is an institution that is outdated and the source of boredom. Recent studies of couples aged 18-29 found that couples are now more concerned with being a good parent, than to have a good marriage.

The study said, a marriage that was crumbling marked with ordinary feelings between the couple, decreased arousal and low conflict, but with a low sense of satisfaction too.

"The marriage was bland, the stability of the existing felt wrong and uncomfortable. You will feel there is a serious thing in a marriage even though no major conflicts," said Pamela Haag, author of 'Marriage Confidential: The Post-Romantic Age of Workhorse Wives , as quoted from Shine.

Boredom is the main enemy in every marriage. A survey of 3341 people conducted Christian Mark of The Kinsey Institute for Sex Research, Gender and Reproduction found that 25 percent of couples who married monogamous admitted on the verge of boredom.

"Boredom is basically like a germ that attacks the immune system of relationships," says Ian Kerner, founder of Good in Bed and author of 'Love in the time of Colic: A New Parents' Guide to Getting It On Again'.

"It's not a coincidence, one of five people who are faithful to the spouse suffering intense boredom," says Kerner.

From the survey found, most women who are in a bland marriage admitted to feeling lonely. While the men confessed 'trapped'. "Sometimes, the wedding was boring because we set standards that are too high, that marriage will give it a lot in marriage."

Thus, Haag said, many couples are stuck with hope and romance after marriage. When experiencing boredom in marriage, they prefer having an affair because it is more challenging.

To avoid divorce, Haag emphasizes that married couples do not get stuck in stereotypes of traditional marriage. The couple should diligently explore a marriage is most suitable in the relationship between melancholy and divorce.

"Begin to live life a different marriage. Get out of the box that had been considered properly. It could be changing the way child care or your relationship."

If you have tried and failed, maybe it's time you be patient. Because, it could be your spouse and children become more happy.
18.15 | 0 komentar | Read More

Type Idaman Men Women

A man who can understand the desire is the type of companion coveted many women. A study found that men who are sensitive to ensure mental health and provide a better sex life for women.

According to one study, men who are good at communicating, can listen well and understand women better able to give sexual pleasure to her partner.

The first study conducted in the United States found a strong relationship between mental well-being and sexual pleasure. It looks at three quality of life is measured by how happy the individual that is self-esteem, autonomy, and empathy.

It is obtained from the comparison of three measures of sexual satisfaction that is the regularity of orgasm, as well as giving and receiving oral sex.

The team of researchers from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health found that sexual pleasure in women occurs consistently associated with the empathy of the couple.

They found that when men are responsive and caring, it creates a feedback loop that enhances sexual pleasure in women.

"The development of this research is important for young women to enhance their sexual arousal, since many women have difficulty enjoying sex," said Adena Galinsky, lead investigator, was quoted by the Daily Mail.

His team found that men are more easy to enjoy sex, recorded 9
of 10 men have an orgasm every sex.
Meanwhile, only 47 percent of women who can experience orgasm.

The study also found that men enjoy giving oral sex more than women. "The fact is the majority of men want to do an activity that can give pleasure to their partner," he added.

To obtain this result, the research team has examined the 3237 respondents aged 18 to 26 years.
18.13 | 0 komentar | Read More
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