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Commonwealth Life Perusahaan Asuransi Jiwa Terbaik Indonesia

Written By Unknown on 05 Desember 2012 | 01.32

Commonwealth Life Perusahaan Asuransi Jiwa Terbaik Indonesia

Apa Itu Commonwealth ?..

(Commonwealth Life Perusahaan Asuransi Jiwa Terbaik Indonesia)

Commonwealth Life mulai melayani Nasabah sejak tahun 1992 dengan nama Astra Jardine yang kemudian berubah nama menjadi Astra CMG Life sampai dengan tahun 2007. Nama PT Commonwealth Life diperkenalkan untuk pertama kalinya pada Juli 2007, berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia nomor W7-07188 HT.01.04-TH 2007 tentang Persetujuan Akta Perubahan Anggaran Dasar Perseroan Terbatas.

Commonwealth Life Perusahaan Asuransi Jiwa Terbaik Indonesia

Saat ini saham terbesar Commonwealth Life dimiliki oleh Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) Group sebesar 80% (CMG Asia Life Holdings Limited 50% saham dan Commwealth Life International Holdings PTY LTD 30% saham)  dan 20% oleh PT Gala Arta Jaya. CBA adalah salah satu perusahaan penyedia jasa keuangan terkemuka yang menguasai industri perbankan dan asuransi di Australia. Dua perusahaan asuransi jiwa CBA yang lebih awal berdiri adalah ‘CommInsure’ di Australia' dan ‘Sovereign’ di New Zealand yang keduanya merupakan perusahaan asuransi jiwa terbaik di masing-masing negara.

Commonwealth Life Perusahaan Asuransi Jiwa Terbaik Indonesia

Seiring dengan visi dan misi perusahaan untuk selalu menjadi yang terbaik, Commonwealth Life terus mengembangkan produk dan layanannya yang tersebar di 19 kota besar dan didukung oleh lebih dari 7.500 Sales Force di seluruh Indonesia yang melayani Nasabah individu dan kumpulan. 

Commonwealth Life Perusahaan Asuransi Jiwa Terbaik Indonesia

Commonwealth Life menawarkan produk asuransi seperti: Proteksi, simpanan & Investasi dalam program unit link (Investra Link), asuransi jiwa tradisional (Danatra Cendekia, Danatra Sejahtera), perlindungan terhadap tabungan dan kredit (COMM Protection), serta program asuransi tambahan (asuransi kecelakaan, jaminan rawat inap, penyakit kritis).

Performa keuangan Commonwealth Life telah berhasil mengalami banyak peningkatan pada Laporan Keuangan 2011. Pos laba meningkat dengan jumlah Rp 181 miliar lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan tahun lalu yakni sebesar Rp 148 miliar. Peningkatan ini membawa pengaruh terhadap kenaikan pos laporan lainnya seperti kenaikan rasio kecukupan modal (Risk Based Capital – RBC) yaitu 676% sekitar lima kali lebih tinggi dari angka ketentuan oleh pemerintah. Total aset di 2010 sebesar Rp 4 triliun dan meningkat hingga Rp 3,9 triliun di 2011. Prestasi ini akan memberikan motivasi kepada Commonwealth Life untuk berada pada tingkat yang lebih tinggi lagi dalam perusahaan asuransi jiwa di Indonesia.
Commonwealth memiliki visi :

"Menjadi Perusahaan Penyedia Pelayanan Asuransi Jiwa Terbaik di Indonesia, yang Terbaik dalam hal Pelayanan Pelanggan."

Untuk program asuransi kumpulan (group) dan perlindungan kredit (credit life), Commonwealth Life bermitra dengan:

- PermataBank
 - Commonwealth Bank
 - Bank BTPN
 - BCA Finance
 - BII Maybank
 - Bank BNP
 - Bank Index
 - Bank Mayora
 - Adira Insurance
 - Olympindo Multifinance

Commonwealth Life juga mendistribusikan berbagai produknya kepada Mitra Bank dan Non-Bank melalui program Bancassurance. Mitra bisnis kami antara lain:

- Citibank
 - BCA Card
 - AstraWorld
 - Telkomsel
 - PermataBank
 - Commonwealth Bank
 - Astra Credit Companies

Informasi Layanan Polis Commonwealth Life :

- Pusat Layanan Nasabah CommCenter 500 525
- Customer Relations Officer
- www.commlife.co.id
- Customer e-Services
- Layanan Klaim di Commonwealth Life

Commonwealth Life Adalah Salah Satu

Asuransi Jiwa Indonesia Terbaik

Commonwealth Life SEO Blog Contest 2012

Commonwealth Life Perusahaan Asuransi Jiwa Terbaik Indonesia

01.32 | 0 komentar | Read More

paints a picture of one's personality

Written By Unknown on 24 Juli 2011 | 18.12

Profile in the face like a Facebook account and social resumes in cyberspace. All the features in it, photos, friends and groups that follow paint a picture of his personality.

If you want to probe further a man, it's good to see the page Facebook account. You can see if he's a really romantic or a man who must be ignored.

Check out some of the steps as quoted from the following Yourtango.

Profile photo
Figure able to speak. A man who posed with a guitar, a car or a ball showed he loved his hobby, or want to understand her personality. pose with pets show he might one who cares. To be sure, click on his photo album and make sure it is in it.

Info 'about me'
If the content is very long, you certainly have to re-think why he had to write all about him. He may be an arrogant or think privacy is not important. Do not be surprised when he told a relationship is too seconds on his Facebook page.

Current status
Men are always posting things that he naturally can mean having too much free time or trying to improve self-esteem. The man who rarely post status may fear for submitting or comments from his friends.

Content status
If Farmville and Mafia Wars decorate or 50 percent or more of his status, he may be one that does not work in the real world or the middle of refuge in cyberspace. Men of this type may have problems to deal with social situations such as the face of dating and family gatherings.

Relationship status
Despite saying he was single, but the relationship status on Facebook. Mean, this guy just wanted to tease. And, if the profile says he's married, immediately remove from the list of friends before he tries to seduce you.

Habit 'pinch'
People who poke fun at the Facebook page is the worst type. He lets you know he was interested, without the need to do anything. In addition, he is tempting to draw the attention of women. Odds are, he 'nudged' a few women at once.

His friends
If the parents are included in the list of his friend, he was a close family. However, men who have more than 1,000 friends characterize it is difficult to say 'no'.

A man who 'likes' to everything like people, products, brands, events, groups, cartoon characters, and even the name seems a bit desperate. Or, maybe he wanted to create a self-image.

Demand so her fans
Men who are not celebrities or professional athletes, but asked people to become 'fans' are characteristic of an arrogant or insecure with himself. So, he must have a reminder that always have a 'friend'. Reject the request and should look for men who have a normal desire.
18.12 | 0 komentar | Read More
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